Sunday, December 27, 2009

Merry Christmas

My extended family!

I'm settling into my site, getting a feel for my school and slowly teaching those closest to me that drinking water (instead of compote or tea) is indeed not the end of the world. However, the whole argument that the body needs fat, especially butter, for the "organism" to process the food through the stomach, has yet to be refuted. One thing at a time.

I'm utterly amazed by the warmth and hospitality of my community. Everyone that I've spoken with has shown sincere interest in me and has taken steps to make me feel welcome and a part of the community. The teachers at my school are awesome. It is also a "women's collective," in that I think there are two men in the physical education department and that is it. The teachers and I have started to joke too, which I consider a strong sign of friendship and trust. I'm really thankful for this environment.

Friday, as the rest of the world knows, was Christmas for the non-Orthodox. The Orthodox Christmas is the 6th/7th of January. However, Ukrainians in a way celebrate 4 Christmases: Saint Nicholas's Day, New Years, Christmas, Old Christmas (Julian Calendar).

My family and school did an amazing job at making sure I didn't feel lonely or sad on Christmas day. When I woke up in the morning, there were presents around my bed from all the members of my family that my landlady had preciously put there in the night. Let me tell you, the presents were the most beautifully wrapped I've ever seen. The women in my family beat the mall ladies any day.
When I got to school, my staff told me I didn't have to work for the day, which kind of annoyed me because I couldn't think of anything else to do. In the end, I did observe all the classes I could. I got to observe the young learners too, who were about seven years old. They were adorable. The women's collective got me a beautiful gift too, very Hummelesque. The director of the school, who is a dreamy instructor of Russian language and literature, gave me a book (in Ukrainian) about holy sites in Ukraine.

When I came home from school, my landlady had started prepping for a feast. All afternoon we made vareneky, while I sometimes played with her grandson. He's really funny. He's currently obsessed with geography and has a dvd that he likes to watch about the solar-system. I bought a ball that looks like a globe during training for my lessons. I brought it out for us to play with. He was so excited to put it up against a lamp and show me how half of the world was day and the other half is night (he's four) and then continued to point at different continents. He's really smart. I pointed to a map earlier in the week and told him about my friends who live in different countries. He showed me where they were on my ball.

I'm typing in my room right now. I'm distracted by my window. There is a funeral procession going on. Not that I really want to attend a funeral, but the ceremony looks beautiful. About eighty or so people walked by. The priest was in the front singing, carrying a large cross. The family was carrying the open casket, a lot of lace. In the back of the procession was a band; a base drum two or three trumpets and a trombone. I've seen this band before, they're in some pictures of my landlady's daughter's wedding from the early nineties. I'm going to try to befriend them.

Aight, I'll post this sometime today. My landlady has arranged for the landline to be turned back on (she uses her cellphone). I should have internet in my bedroom sometime after the new year! It's hard to imagine how accessible Skype dates and the New York Times are going to be pretty soon.

This week will be raucous. New Years is a very big deal in the Ukraine. Because of the quarantine, schools are in session until the 31st. However, I think the majority of people are so uninspired by having classes this week that it might turn out to be a series of field days. I shall see.
my extended family + my counterpart


  1. You look like the luckiest PCV in the world. What a wonderful extended family, school, village situation, not to mention the table, the beautiful varenecky. They gave you gifts! Your biological mother is a loser!

  2. PS, I note the violet theme, very pretty.

  3. Sara:

    I am COO of Water Charity, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that does water, sanitation, and public health projects worldwide. In July, 2009, we started our Appropriate Projects initiative to fund small water and sanitation projects very quickly. Applicants are limited to Peace Corps Volunteers, Returned Peace Corps Volunteers, and Peace Corps Response Volunteers.

    I am a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer (Bolivia ’66-’68), and am well aware of the difficulties Volunteers face in the field. Appropriate Projects is an addition to our regular Water Charity model that is allowing us to provide project resources to PCVs in the field immediately.

    Often there is that little project that must be done now (before the rains start, before school begins, or in response to a critical need), but there are no funds available. Traditional funding sources are cumbersome, and there are long forms, detailed requirements, limited resources, and long delays.

    PCVs working in water and sanitation usually have potential projects lined up. For those working in other program areas, there may be water components to their projects, or improvements needed where they work or teach.

    Sample projects may be: rainwater or spring catchments, handwashing stations, water systems, piping, tanks, pumps, latrines, wells, etc.

    We like to do the water and sanitation parts of projects for schools, clinics, and community centers. So, if you can get funding for the building and other stuff, we can help with things like the water supply, filters, sinks, plumbing, and drainage.

    We like to finish projects that have been started, and fix things that have ceased to function.

    We encourage follow-up projects that expand upon the successful completion of the first small project.

    If you have a project in mind, please fill out the application form. We want this to be easy for you, so we have developed a simple form that you can fill out in one sitting.

    If you have any questions about the appropriateness of your project, or you need some time to get it together, just let us know.

    We pre-fund projects, so you don’t have to wait around for donations to roll in.

    If you do not have a project that qualifies, please pass this message on to your fellow Volunteers who may have an interest. Finally, if this initiative resonates with you, please let others know what we are doing through your social networks, websites, and blogs.

    I look forward to hearing from you.


    Averill Strasser

    Appropriate Projects

    Water Charity
