Friday, December 4, 2009

End of Training

It's hard to believe that next week is our last week at our training sites. Someday, I hope to better understand how time moves so slowly in the beginning and then weeks seem like mere hours towards the end. I have a friend who wrote an interesting essay about this subject. He came up with a formula as to how a year seems so much longer when you're younger. Maybe I'll consult him.

This week we wrapped up our school work, teaching our last classes and conducting our last English Club. I can't stress how valuable the in-class training has been. Today after my last class, I got to speak for a few minutes with my counterpart (the teacher I've been working with). I thanked him for his valuable insight and critique. In return, he said that he had learned a lot from me, as a native speaker, and that he would like to use some of my approaches in his lessons. It was the greatest complement I could've received.

Next week trainees will be taking a few tests and saying goodbyes. On the 14th, we'll all meet in Kyiv. On that day, we'll also get our site placements. It's hard to wait all these weeks for this announcement. Any time anyone starts a sentence with, "I know where" or "I have information," my heart jumps. It's a cruel process. At the end of that week, around the 18th, I'll be moving to my site. I will try to establish communication as soon as I can about where my site is, possibly a new phone number depending on the available services, and an address. I might not have running water or heat, but I'm determined to get an internet provider for Christmas.

There's a lot I'd like to share, but alas I'm too lazy at the moment and think it's best to review how I should express some of my daily frustrations and revelations. I hope that soon I'll start having some time in the day for reflection.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on finishing training and best wishes for your next adventure. Thanks for the narratives and photos.
