Yes, I agree it's quite dumb to travel when there's a nationwide quarantine, but PC asks us to complete certain "tasks" that more often than not require us to go to Kyiv. Last Firday, after completing our task, our cluster went to the National Museum of the Great History of the Patriotic War, which was thankfully open. The museum is next to the Lavra, taking up a large part of the hillside along the Dnieper. The greatest thing about the museum, for me of course, is the massive Rodina Mat (national mother) that can be seen from all over the city. I swear, she looks almost as big as the Statue of Liberty from certain angles.
In other news, I have my site placement interview tomorrow (Tuesday). It doesn't greatly affect where I'll be placed, but at least I get to voice some preference. The more I think about the interview, the more difficult it is becoming for me to describe and therefore articulate what I want out of my time here in Ukraine. I think I'll find some sort of happiness anywhere and in any community. It's really difficult to determine what elements I have control over, and what is simply circumstantial. I just need to continually ask myself, in the next few hours and over the next two years, what it is it that I want out of my service. What do I want to give? What do I want to gain?It's really difficult to determine what elements I have control over, and what is simply circumstantial.
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