Sunday, August 8, 2010


So I'm wasting the better part of my afternoon at the Peace Corps office in Kyiv because it is moderately cool in the building. Ukraine has been hit with a heat wave that is wrecking havoc in the fields (picked up a newspaper today that stated that over 40% of Poltava Oblast's wheat has been lost, granted not a reliable source). I mention the number because I'm interested in food security, especially because living in Ukraine is teaching me where my food comes from and when growing seasons are. Talking with people on the street, many are worried about food prices this winter because of floods in the west, droughts in the east, and the unprecidented heat. For me, the heat is the same as an August in Ohio. I have to be careful with dehydration though, for me it still seems ridiculas to have to pay for any drinking water. Overshare.

ABC was great. It was wonderful to work with bright and motivated youth. I'll write more about that later. Now, I'm getting ready for vacation (yes, a tad pathetic considering this period of my life is sort of a break). Hopefully after getting back into Ukraine next week I'll attend some in-service training, thus further delaying going back to site.

Um, thanks Mom for reading! I'm guessing she is my only audience for this update. Though, if any other family members are reading this I'd like to take this opportunity to direct your attention to the reading list below.


  1. Hi Sara-
    I'm not a family member, but maybe close enough to being one to say that I have your blog in my reader and read everything you write. I'm learning a lot about Ukraine, thank you.
    Duane Shank

  2. I'm reading, Sara! I'm really enjoying your time there. ;)


  3. Hello Sarah,

    Please forgive my intrusion to your Blog and Twiter, but found it very interesting report about the difficulties Ukraine summer. You will be providing volunteer service in the Peace Corps?. You are very generous. Good job!

    May the peace be upon you.
