Friday, December 4, 2009

Politically Incorrect

Being part of Peace Corps, politics is definitely a no-go area. However, it's really hard to avoid not talking about it at all when the Ukrainian presidential elections coming up in January are everywhere. I've been able to eavesdrop onto some good conversations and delicately ask for some opinions about the candidates. I recommend that you look at sites such as Radio Free Europe and Kyiv Post to get a feel; a lot of interesting debates are occuring.

This week, two candidates (on separate nights) held free concerts in town. Luckily, or sort of unfortunately, the concerts were held outside the Palace of Culture which is right next to my apartment. So, I've been able to listen to a lot of Ukrainain pop for free from my window. On Sunday, I dropped by a concert sponsored by Yulia's camp. I hope this doesn't get me in trouble with Peace Corps, since we're supposed to avoid any large gatherings. In my defense, it was right outside of my window, I had to walk by it to get to the grocery store, and it was a free concert (not a rally). No one knows there was an American participant, well until now.

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